The selected teams will go through the Technology Transfer Programme which will last 9 months and will consist of 2 stages:
- Stage 1 – Inception: Selected teams will be matched with a technical mentor. The teams will define the KPIs and Deliverables. As result of this stage, a Proof of Concept will be defined together with the mentors, including the Roadmap.
- Stage 2 – Development phase: according to the roadmap defined in the previous stage. Depending on the technology transfer programme the expected outcome will be different:
- The 1st Programme will focus on developing building blocks for large scale pilots and new analytical tools for the toolbox. The outcome of the Programme will be fully functional prototypes (TRL 5-6).
- The 2nd Programme will focus on developing new services/use cases on top of existing pilots or new pilots. The outcome will be minimum viable products (MVPs) (TRL 7).