On this page we would like to show you which results in our project have been delivered:

Key Exploitable ResultsPotential UsersBenefits for Users
Knowledge models for microgrids.Energy and renewable generation utilities. Start-up ecosystem for new renewable energy solutions.Shared models to develop new data driven solution and provide to internal and external ecosystem; Standardised data and function description; Data Governance.
Knowledge models for smart buildings.Smart buildings owners.Shared models to develop new data driven solution and provide to internal and external ecosystem; Standardised data and function description; Data Governance.
Scalable technological brick for Big Semantic Data Platform.Business units in B2B, B2X, B2T.Use high end semantic technological bricks in final end user solution. Developed PLATOON Platform will provide specific digital tools based custom expectation from Business Client.
Electronic device embedding edge computing and real time processing capabilities.Renewable energy users and owners of energy intensive equipment.Reduction of decision-making time. Optimization of data transmission by pre-processing and filtering raw data at the edge.
Analytics toolbox implementing machine learning functions.Energy experts.Modular data analytics tools that require very little knowledge about data science and programming.
ICT connectors following the reference architecture standards dealing with the data governance aspects in between the data owner and the analytic solutions provider.Data owners and solutions providers in the energy sector.Secure data sharing among the stakeholders. Data policies made explicit and compliance assured. GDPR compliance improved.
Standards based data marketplace solution.Data owners and solutions providers in the energy sector.Monetisation of the shared data.
Reference architecture implementation.Energy and related utilities for large scale data handling.Easy to install and configure big data architecture with numerous components requiring limited experience.
Integration of services and analytics.Energy and utilities for data-centric processing.Advanced analytics with UIs for interactive insights.
International Data Space reference implementation targeted at the energy sector (with marketplace functionality).Small, medium and large energy data providers and consumers.Possibility to monetize data and data service assets; possibility to identify cross-company innovation.
Digital enabler: Internet of Everything platform.Public Administrations and energy companies/ utilities.Integration with IoT devices and legacy systems. Provisioning of data analytics and dashboards.
Open Data Federation Platform.Public Administrations and Energy/Utilities companies.Open Data federation/standardisation and interoperability with open data legacy systems.
O&M framework demonstrator for failure prediction in wind turbines.Turbine owneroperators, utilities, O&M providers.Optimises the maintenance costs by avoiding unnecessary downtimes and clustering maintenance.
Energy production forecasters.Energy generation companies and renewable energy firms.Improved management of power plants; Better prediction of production and demand response forecast at regional/national level; Improved flexibility in the system.
Energy dispatching optimiser.National / regional energy dispatching centres.Dynamic control of electricity flows taking into account both supply and demand side; Optimal dispatching schedules; Enhanced cross border flow and trading; improved TSO/DSO interoperability and cooperation.
Interoperability layer.All stakeholders in the energy value chain.Effective communication amongst different platforms.
New module of PRISMA software specialized in energy optimization.Industrial manufacturing and other services as building maintainers.Decision-making in maintenance politics and optimisation of maintenance costs.
Techniques for data sharing and shipping using the data containers.Data consumers across energy related institutes from the Leibniz association.Possibility to monetise the technologies developed to generate the data containers.
Data integration services.Energy and utilities for data integration.Easy to install and configure data integration services.
Scalable energy management system architecture for microgrids.Academic and public research centres, energy generation utilities and renewable energy companies.Advanced models with integrated optimization techniques dealing with increase amount of decentralised renewable assets, and data analytics toolbox (Big Data, AI/ML).
Energy data consumption and failures monitoring system.Smart building owners.Decision-making in maintenance politics and optimization of energy consumption costs.
Industrial node #1, high speed field middleware bus. Energy generation utilities and renewable energy firms as well as industrial manufacturing companies. Advanced monitoring and improved performance, reliability of distributed resources.
O&M framework demonstrator taking advantage of IoT platform. Any utility operating distributed and nondistributed infrastructure. Optimises the costs of maintenance and replacement of assets.
Stakeholder engagement. Academics, Research centres and Energy and ICT companies. Increased competitiveness; improved participation in collaborative R&D projects.
Marketplace integrated with open APIs. Suppliers and consumers of energy sector. One-stop market for energy products, service and data.

More updates about the Expected Results of the PLATOON project will follow soon. Please stay tuned!