On Wednesday, 2nd of February 2022, Alexandra Garatzogianni and Michael Fribus from TIB-KTT represented the H2020 PLATOON project during the NGI Data Portability and Services Incubator (DAPSI) Final Event #2, organized by Cap Digital and its partners ZABALA, F6S, IMT Starter, Fraunhofer IAIS, and ENGINEERING.

The Final DAPSI Event #2 displays the latest innovative solutions in the area of data portability. Moreover, the 2nd cohort of the DAPSI accelerator programme presents the 14 winning DAPSI projects. Finally, the event ends with a round table about DAPSI’s first batch project success stories with a panel of experts and former DAPSI winners.
Click here to find out more about NGI DAPSI and the DAPSI Final Event #2.